4 Of The Best Natural Amino Acid Supplements
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We all have different goals and targets in mind, and that is especially apparent when we look at different people’s various health and fitness regimes. For example, some people simply exercise and eat right to stay in decent shape, whilst others embark on body transformation journeys that completely change their lives. Some people want to burn fat, some people want to tone up, some people want to simply perform better in the gym, whilst others want to pack on as much muscle mass as is humanly possible. Whatever your goals may be, one thing’s for sure, and that is the fact that exercise alone won’t get you to where you need to be. Of course exercise is, and always will be, incredibly beneficial and good for us, but if you aren’t eating right and aren’t getting the right nutrition, you simply are not going to make any real progress in the slightest. As well as eating and drinking right, if you truly want to make some noticeable gains and changes/improvements to your physique, you are going to have to ensure you’re using the right supplements in the process. Sports supplements such as amino acids for example. The building blocks of protein molecules, amino acids can be vital for anybody trying to seriously improve their physique and get in the kind of shape they’ve always dreamed of. For these reasons, here’s a look at 4 of the best natural amino acid supplements currently available for purchase.
BCAAs, or branch Chain Amino Acids, are arguably the most popular form of amino acid supplement currently on the market, and have been selling incredibly well for decades upon decades. BCAAs get their name due to their molecular structure, which resembles that of a branch. They’re comprised of three amino acids – Leucine, Valine, and Isoleucine and have been found to play a vital part in the growth and repair of muscle tissue, proving especially beneficial during the initial post-workout recovery process. Despite the fact that BCAAs are ideal for post-workout recovery, many athlete’s also incorporate them into their workouts and consume the supplements intra-workout to help enhance energy production and to ensure they’re able to continue training harder, and for longer periods of time.
Glutamine is another staple amino acid and is a common part of many bodybuilder’s supplement stack, and rightfully so. Glutamine is actually the most common amino acid found naturally within the muscles, and is essential for optimal muscle contraction and function. When it comes to muscle growth and repair, glutamine is ideal because it actually promotes cell volumisation within the muscles, which basically makes the cells larger. This is important because not only does this make the muscles larger, it also enhances the cells’ ability to absorb nutrients and energy, which means that the more they can absorb, the more effective the muscles will become. As if that wasn’t enough, glutamine also promotes health and well-being by providing optimal muscle building conditions internally, due to the fact that it strengthens and boosts the immune system. This not only helps to keep you fit and healthy, it also provides optimal internal conditions for muscle growth and repair, so the body can focus on building quality muscle. Glutamine is commonly consumed as part of a post-workout protein shake, although again, it can also be consumed intra workout as well.
Acetyl L Carnitine
This premium grade amino acid is actually sourced from natural ingredients and plays a vital role in weight loss, or to be more specific, in fat loss. The reason for this is that it helps boost the metabolism and helps to ensure that fat, both stored in the body, and from dietary sources (food and drink) is immediately converted into glucose and used as energy. Put simply, this amino acid helps you to take fat and use it for energy, instead of storing it on your body. It also possesses powerful antioxidant abilities that again help to boost the metabolism and immune system. As if that wasn’t all, another great benefit is the fact that it can act as a natural appetite suppressant, which helps to keep you feeling full for longer, and helps ensure that you don’t suffer from cravings for junk food and hunger pains. From a bodybuilding perspective however, there are two main benefits. The first is the fact that it helps to burn fat, which is obviously a huge benefit as the intention of any bodybuilder is to burn fat and build muscle. The second benefit is that as it boosts the metabolism, you will have more energy and will therefore be able to make your workouts more productive, which will mean more muscle growth.
Beta Alanine
Beta Alanine is actually a non-essential amino acid, which means that our bodies can produce it naturally so that we don’t NEED to get it from dietary sources. Just because we produce it naturally however, doesn’t make it any less important because the amounts we produce naturally are not high enough to offer any significant bodybuilding benefits, which is why the supplement is so popular. Beta Alanine is especially beneficial when it comes to athletic performance, due to the fact that it helps to form a natural compound known as carnosine. Why is carnosine beneficial? Because it buffers the production of lactic acid, which leads to muscular fatigue and cramping. This ensures that you have more energy during your workouts, and that your muscles can handle more weight and more reps before they begin to become tired and worn out. Some users of the amino acid experience a mild tingling, similar to mild pins and needles, and if this happens to you, don’t worry as it is perfectly normal and actually shows that the amino acid is doing its job.