Common myths and misconceptions about vitamin supplements
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For people looking to get into shape, supplements could prove extremely useful to help take their training, their recovery, and their physiques, to the next level. Whilst there is a lot of buzz surrounding supplements, it’s vital that people know how to use them correctly to get the best results possible. In terms of health and fitness, many people would agree that vitamin supplements are especially beneficial as they can not only improve your physique, they can also improve your health and well-being in the process. Vitamins strengthen the immune system, they boost the metabolism, they improve organ function, they improve digestion, they boost vision, and much more besides. Vitamin supplements are extremely popular, but there is a lot of confusion as to how they work, what they are, and how they should be consumed. To help clear things up once and for all, here’s a look at a few common myths and misconceptions about vitamin supplements.
Vitamin supplements can replace whole foods
This is a very common misconception about vitamin supplements, and it is simply not true at all. There are some people out there who believe that they can eat as much junk as they like, and cancel it out by taking a few vitamin supplements each day. The clue is in the name as ‘supplements’ are designed to supplement your diet. Of course taking vitamin supplements is better than getting no vitamins at all, but ideally your vitamins should come primarily from fresh and healthy foods including fruits and vegetables, with the last few percentages being made up from supplements.
All vitamin supplements are the same
As you might have noticed, vitamin supplements are a lot easier to get hold of than other supplements, as you can purchase them from most grocery stores, and even some gas stations for that matter. Though a cheap multivitamin supplement will obviously be better than no vitamins at all, ideally you should dig a little deeper into your pocket and spend a little more when purchasing your supplements. Not all vitamin supplements are the same, as generally the cheaper products are considered inferior and are not as beneficial as better quality ones.
Taking vitamins means that I don’t have to exercise or eat healthily
Another very common myth surrounding vitamin supplements is that people don’t have to exercise or eat healthily if they take vitamin supplements. Like we looked at previously, vitamin tablets and capsules will not replace whole foods, nor will they cancel out junk. To get the best results from vitamin supplements, you should eat healthily and exercise regularly. When you take vitamins, you are taking them for a reason, and to get the best results from them, you should ensure your diet is clean and that you’re getting plenty of exercise. This will not only help you to be healthier, and to feel better, it will also help you to look better as well.
Vitamins are high in calories
Some people seem to think vitamins are high in calories and will therefore be unsuitable for certain diets when the primary objective is fat loss. Needless to say, this is not the case at all, as vitamin supplements are so small that they barely contain any calories at all. In simple terms, taking any number of vitamin supplements will not have any bearing on your weight whatsoever, other than helping you to lose even more fat.
You can take as many vitamins as you like
This again is 100% NOT TRUE and it is very important that people realize this. People seem to think that because vitamins are found in healthy foods, that they can consume as many vitamin supplements each day as they like, and be perfectly fine. You CAN overdose on vitamin supplements and in extreme cases, overconsumption can lead to loss of life. Most likely however, overdosing on vitamins can lead to stomach issues, diarrhea, nausea, and bloating.
Vitamins don’t ever go out of date
Obviously one of the main selling points associated with vitamin supplements, other than their convenience, is the fact that they stay fresh for much, much, much longer than whole foods. Despite this however, vitamin supplements can eventually expire and go out of date, in which case they will need replacing. Even if they’re kept in a cool, dark place, they will expire eventually and whilst they will likely be safe, they will lose their nutrients, which defeats their purpose in the first place. Put simply, check the use-by date on vitamin bottles, and try to replace them regularly to ensure they are of the best quality they can be.
All vitamin supplements are safe, no matter where you get them
The supplement industry is one of the most lucrative industries in the entire world, so naturally there are plenty of people out there who want in on the action. When you purchase your supplements, especially online, make sure you buy them from reputable, trusted, and experienced companies. If you look for the cheapest you can find, you could be buying from a company nobody has heard of, and truthfully, you will have no idea what has actually gone into your supplements. You should never take this risk so always buy from reputable sellers and from trusted brands.
Vitamins are absorbed easier on an empty stomach
This is an extremely common myth associated with vitamin supplements, and it is why countless people are simply not seeing the results they should be seeing when they consume vitamins. Vitamins should always be consumed with whole foods because this actually helps with absorption. What’s more, fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin E, must be consumed with a healthy fat source, otherwise there will be no fat present, so the vitamins will not be broken down, and will not be absorbed in the body.