Top 4 Best Amino Acid Supplements To Use During Your Workout
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It doesn’t matter how motivated we are, how hard we intend on working, how much sleep we get, or how clean we eat, when it comes to our workouts, at times we’ll find ourselves struggling, lacking energy, lacking motivation, and basically just going through the motions in an attempt to get finished as quickly as we possibly can. We all have days, weeks, possibly even months like that, where we seemingly cannot find our get up and go, no matter what we do. Of course we all know just how beneficial working out can be, yet unfortunately there will be times where we simply throw the towel in, convince ourselves that we’ll try again another day, and before we know it we’ve missed several sessions, have binged on junk food, and have set ourselves back several weeks in the process. For those of us struggling during our workouts, intra-workout amino acid supplements could prove incredibly useful indeed. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein molecules, they’re incredibly beneficial for health, fitness, and exercise-related reasons, and there are more than twenty different amino acids to choose from, with each one providing its own unique benefit. Amino acids can be described as both essential, and non-essential. Non-essential amino acids can be synthesized naturally by our bodies, whereas essential amino acids cannot. Here we’ll be looking at a selection of essential and non-essential amino acids that you can use to really help you power through your workouts like never before.
When you read the ingredients labels on various pre and intra-workout supplements, more often than not you’ll immediately notice that taurine is one of the primary ingredients, and for very good reason too. Taurine is a naturally occurring amino acid that is found naturally within our own bodies. Despite this, it is still incredibly beneficial as the amounts found within our bodies are deemed not concentrated enough to have any real positive effects on athletic performance. The most highest concentrations found within our bodies are located within our brains, as well as within our skeletal muscles. As far as the benefits associated with taurine are concerned, you’ll notice that it is a key ingredient found within energy drinks, intra-workout supplements, and pre-workout supplements, because it has been proven to help increase energy levels and mental focus and concentration. On top of that, taurine is also ideal when stacked with other natural synergists such as zinc, and another amino acid – glycine, which we’ll learn more about shortly. Due to its potent stimulating effects, taurine is an ideal amino acid to consume both pre-workout, as well as during your workouts as well.
Glycine is actually the most abundant amino acid located in the entire human body and it plays a key role in the communication of chemical messages and signals within the body. As it is so abundant, it is a non-essential amino but even so, studies have found that increasing the amount of glycine you consume can prove hugely beneficial from an athletic standpoint. For individuals looking to increase their lean muscle mass, glycine is an incredibly beneficial supplement for so many different reasons. It helps to prevent muscle wastage and breakdown and it helps promote enhanced recovery rates and energy production. What’s especially unique about glycine however, is that it is beneficial when taken pre, intra, and post-workout as well, meaning you really cannot fail. For optimal results when using glycine intra-workout however, many experts recommend using this amino acid with creatine powder, as glycine acts like a catalyst for creatine uptake, allowing our bodies to absorb and use more creatine once we consume it. Studies have also found that glycine acts like a buffer for lactic acid and the removal of toxins and harmful by-products left behind as a result of aerobic activity. This helps to fight muscle cramps and fatigue and helps to keep energy levels topped up, thus making your workouts far more efficient and productive.
When it comes to amino acids and working out, glutamine is arguably the most popular and commonly used amino acid supplement of all. Glutamine is predominantly located within our muscles and is the most prevalent amino acid found within our muscles as well. For individuals looking to really pile on the muscle mass and recovery as quickly and effectively as possible, Glutamine is incredibly beneficial indeed. The main reason for this is that it plays a vital role in cell volumization and helps create the perfect anabolic environment within the body. Not only does it increase cell volume, enhance protein synthesis, and boost glycogen production, it also works as a catalyst for other supplements making them more potent and beneficial in the process. What’s more, it helps to boost all around health and well-being as it has a very positive effect on the immune system. For optimal results, users of glutamine will start sipping on around half way through their workouts, and will then top up their post-workout shake with more of the powder to really kick-start the recovery process.
HMB is actually naturally derived from leucine as it is a by-product created once leucine is utilized and broken down by the body. Our bodies naturally produce HMB from proteins we consume and as far as working out is concerned, HMB is ideal for a couple of reasons. To begin with, HMB can help to reduce muscle soreness and fatigue, which can actually begin setting in during the middle of intense training sessions. It has been proven to reduce the breakdown of muscle proteins during and after intense physical exercise, plus it also benefits us as it helps to strengthen and boost immunity, and lower LDL cholesterol in the process. Put simply, it promotes all around health and well-being and helps keep the body in an anabolic muscle building state for much longer, meaning you train harder and more intensely for longer periods of time, plus you will recover at a much quicker rate in the process.