Top 5 Supplements For Crossfit
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A few years ago, more and more people active in the fitness community, began showing more of an interest in a little known activity known as ‘CrossFit’. Considered a form of circuit training which promoted ‘functional strength’ and ‘functional fitness’ most people thought that CrossFit would be just another exercise and fitness fad that would become less and less popular over the next few years, until it faded away into obscurity, never to be heard of again, and replaced by something new instead. However, that did not happen, in fact, quite the opposite happened. More and more people saw videos online, had recommendations from friends and family members, and decided to see what all of the fuss was about. More people got into the sport, and it is now a multi-billion dollar industry, with huge CrossFit performance centres located all over the world. There is even now an annual ‘CrossFit Games’ which is also gaining more attention, especially from more mainstream sources. CrossFit, as mentioned, is like a form of circuit training which combines strength, resistance, and cardio training together, to create unique workouts. No two workouts in Crossfit are exactly alike, as they have what are known as WODs, or Workouts Of the Day. The idea is to strengthen the core, boost cardiovascular conditioning, boost fitness, flexibility, and endurance, and create strength and fitness that will benefit people in the real world, not just in the gym. What good is being able to bench press 300 pounds, if you struggle to carry a 180 pound person or piece of furniture? As the sport is so incredibly gruelling and physically demanding, supplements are incredibly useful and for that reason we’ll now be looking at the top 5 supplements for Crossfit.
Beta Alanine
This amino acid is a crossfit staple in most fitness lover’s households, due to the fact that it plays such a vital role in energy production and endurance. Crossfit requires individuals to engage in periods of high intensity physical activity, that can go on for quite some time. Some days they may run mini marathons, whilst other days they may go through Olympic lifting circuits with no break between sets. Whatever the WODs involve however, one thing you can guarantee, is that you are going to tire out quickly. Beta Alanine actually helps to enhance the amount of time it would take for your muscles to become fatigued, and it helps to hold off lactic acid. This means that you can push yourself that little bit harder, and run those extra yards, or get those additional reps, before your muscles give up on you. It also enhances recovery, so you’ll feel stronger, and less sore after a workout.
As mentioned, Crossfit is not to be taken lightly, and if you think that it’s easy then you’re going to be in for a very rude awakening. It is tiring and physically and mentally draining, so you need your mind to be as strong as your body. Many Crossfitters will therefore incorporate caffeine into their daily supplementation routine, as it will help to stimulate them and fire them up, so they’re alert and focussed before, and during, their workouts. Caffeine can function as a very potent stimulator for the CNS (Central Nervous System) which is especially beneficial on heavy lifting days. Crossfit incorporates a lot of Olympic style lifts into its routines, so, typically you can expect to see plenty of exercises such as: squats, deadlifts, cleans, presses, snatches, clean and jerks, and so on. Heavy lifting puts the CNS under a great deal of strain and stress, yet studies have revealed that caffeine can actually help it to function correctly and more efficiently. In simple terms, you have an increased mind-muscle connection, you have more energy, you can think clearly, and you become more focussed, all of which are the ingredients required for a fantastic workout.
During Crossfit, your body is going to take one heck of a battering, which means that you need to ensure that you’re able to recover as quickly as you possibly can. When we exercise, we become sore and stiff, which is due to the fact that our muscles have been broken down as we trained. To repair these muscle tissues and get us ready for the next day, we need protein, which feeds the muscles and body, providing what is required for optimal muscle growth, repair, and recovery. Whey protein immediately after your workout will kick-start the recovery process and promote protein synthesis, whereas a slow digesting protein such as casein, is perfect before going to sleep, as it will fuel your body as you sleep, allowing it to continue repairing and recovering.
Fish oil supplements
Fish oil supplements are also incredibly beneficial for anybody who regular engages in Crossfit workouts, for a number of different reasons. For example, fish oil possesses countless anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it great for reducing inflammation in joints after a workout, which will boost flexibility and reduce soreness and stiffness. Fish oil also promotes brain health and brain function, which in turn will help you to think clearer, and to benefit from a better mood. There is also the fact that it plays such a vital role in energy production, as, believe it or not, but fish oil, which is a healthy fat, can actually boost the metabolism and help enable an individual to lose body fat. As fat is converted into energy, you will feel energized and invigorated, whilst losing weight at the same time.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 is one of the most beneficial and essential vitamins required by the human body, yet a vast majority of people are actually deficient in this vitamin. When exposed to sunlight, the body is able to absorb vitamin D, but the problem for many is a lack of sunlight. As far as Crossfit is concerned, the main benefit associated with vitamin D is the fact that it has been proven to help assist with natural testosterone production. Testosterone improves athletic ability, muscle mass, strength, and recovery, all of which are hugely beneficial from an athletic standpoint. There are many other health benefits associated with this vitamin, but for Crossfit, those are the biggest pros that work in vitamin D3’s favour.